Tatuajes para geeks

Hay gente un poco fanática que se hace tatuajes de todo tipo, como el tipo que se hizo tatuajes del zune o los que tienen tatuajes de Star Wars, X files, LoTR, etc etc

Pues una empresa que vende tatuajes temporales ha sacado un set de tattoos para geeks, aquí les dejo una muestra, yo creo que les falto un poquito mas de originalidad, pero en fin, si quieren comprarlos visitar: http://www.mcphee.com/items/11759.html
Tatuajes para geeks

Fuente: PopGadget


One thought on “Tatuajes para geeks

  1. Do you think people are getting tattoos without having any idea what they mean. Or why they wanted it. My nephew explained to me that he got a full sleeve tattoo because he thought it would be cool. He is old enough to have a tatoo and had the money to pay for it. So everything was legit except for his reason. I have tats but they all have meaning and I had to earn the priveldge of wearing them. What’s you take on people getting tats for no reason.

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