Me pasaron esto (creo que a propósito), me hizo mucha gracia, asi que lo pongo aquí 😛
You scored as Satanism. Your beliefs most closely resemble those of Satanism! Before you scream, do a bit of research on it. To be a Satanist, you don’t actually have to believe in Satan. Satanism generally focuses upon the spiritual advancement of the self, rather than upon submission to a deity or a set of moral codes. Do some research if you immediately think of the satanic cult stereotype. Your beliefs may also resemble those of earth-based religions such as paganism.
Which religion is the right one for you? (new version)
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Pues ya somos dos 😀
A mi me salio agnostismo…chess. Y yo que me acababa de bajar el Vile de Cannibal Corpse…
me 2 d00d, same score!
bueno… yo sali al judaismo 79% 🙄 rarisimo